© Copyright 2024 Cedarwood Landscaping, Inc.
Partnering with our clients to provide the very best service and client satisfaction are of utmost importance to us. Please take a few moments to read about some very serious & challenging issues affecting our local landscapes, ones we'll be looking out for and would be grateful for your input if you notice them as well. Please be assured that should we encounter symptoms of these issues, we will address them with the latest knowledge and sensitivity to your wallet and our environment.
Boxwood Blight (aka Calonectria) is an aggressive fungal pathogen that defoliates the plant and often leads to death. Thriving in the damp conditions of 2018, Calonectria has become highly transferable and attacks plant material in the boxwood family including pachysandra and sarcococca. Proper cultural practices and consistent applications of fungicides may assist in delaying the spread of this pathogen, however, there is no fungicide treatment labeled for a cure. Please tap on the link below for more information.
Native to India and Asia, the invasive insect commonly known as Spotted Lantern Fly has been identified in southeastern PA, and most recently in several western counties of NJ. The Tree of Heaven (not to be confused with a Sumac tree) is the host tree of choice, however, grapevine, fruit, and hardwood trees are also being attacked by this pest. Beautiful as it may appear in its adult form, it is a very destructive insect. Please tap on the link below for further information.
This invasive pest from Asia is currently destroying tens of millions of trees from Michigan to the Atlantic Seaboard, and up into Canada, with no known natural enemies within the U.S. It was discovered in Somerset County in 2014 and is now very active in the northern third of New Jersey.
Insecticides may help manage this pest via soil treatments, trunk injections, and bark sprays. However, these applications must take place prior to infestation and do require a period of time (2+ years) to become effective. Please tap on the link below for further information.
Ilex glabra 'Gem Box' is a new, native, dwarf evergreen shrub with a mature growth of 2-3' tall and wide. Petite, dark green foliage offers highlighted red tips in the spring and may be an option to replace a boxwood type of shrub. Not a primary favorite of the deer.
Deutzia 'Yuki Cherry Blossom' is a low spreading, deciduous shrub, blanketed in lovely springtime pink flowers. Autumn foliage is a deep burgundy-purple color and mature growth is 12-24" tall and wide. Not a primary favorite of the deer.
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Cedarwood Landscaping, Inc.
P.O. Box 361
Mendham, NJ 07945
Tel: 908 879 8986
Fax: 908 879 2533
Email: info@cedarwoodlandscaping.com
NJ Pesticide License #93475A
NJ Landscape Irrigation Contractor Certification #719734
NJ Home Improvement Contractor License #13VH00637000
© Copyright 2024 Cedarwood Landscaping, Inc.